Go Lite Cream is used to reduce the expression of inflammation-causing proteins, inhibiting melanogenesis, inhibiting melanogenesis, reducing the expression of inflammation-causing proteins, protecting against the damaging ultraviolet rays, protecting against the damaging ultraviolet rays.

Go Lite Cream is also used for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions and symptoms:

Skin complexion
Skin lightening
Lightening of skin
Lightening the skin

Related ARticle: Golite Cream Side Effects.

Benefits of Golite Skin Lightening Cream:

It scavenges free radicals which are a major cause of hyperpigmentation.
It inhibits tyrosinase activity which leads to the synthesis of melanin.
It inhibits the production of melanin which causes hyperpigmentation of the skin.
It protects the skin from UV radiation and damage.
Safe for long term use.
Good for sensitive skin as well.

Directions for Use:

Gently pat till dry
Cleanse face with a soap-free cleanser
Map the skin tone on the skin tone shade card
Take the cream on the tip of your finger and apply on concern areas in a circular motion
Do this twice daily
After 1 month of regular application, map the skin tone of concern areas with the shade card to check the lightening of the skin tone
Avoid contact with eyes
Replace the cap tightly after use

Storage instructions:

Avoid light
Keep out of reach of children
Do not put in the refrigerator
Should be stored in a cool and dry place

Related ARticle: Golite Cream Composition.

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Miracle Ojo

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