Boroplus Cream which is manufactured by Emami Limited composed of the below detailed explained ingredients for your better understanding:

Hedychium Spicatum

Known as Shati in Ayurveda, Kappor Katcheri herb and the essential oil extracted from the rhizomes of this plant through steam distillation process has been in use traditionally for treating respiratory problems (like bronchitis and asthma), wounds, fever, ulcers, cough, indigestion, hiccough, inflammation and certain other eye problems.

Ayurveda is the oldest of all healing methodologies on earth dating back to more than 5,000 years. This ancient science aims at educating humanity about the natural remedies in treating illnesses, ways to prevent sickness and pass towards healthy aging.

Santalum Album

Santalum Album also known as sandalwood oil obtained from the wood has antispasmodic and antibacterial properties and is an antiviral effective against herpes viruses. The essential oil obtained from the reddish heartwood plays an important role in the perfume industry. In order to obtain the sought-after oil, trees are felled at 30 to 60 years of age. To harvest the heartwood, the felled trunks of the trees used to be left lying on the ground for Nature to take its course.

White termites would attack the bark and the soft sapwood, until a few months later only the almost cleanly stripped hard heartwood remained. Today, machines are employed to strip the trees. After this the heartwood is chipped and ground to a powder so that the essential oil can be obtained by means of steam distillation. Sandalwood chippings supplement chewing tobacco and are suitable for smoking on charcoal. Incense sticks can also be made from the ground wood. For this, wood meal is mixed with a binding agent, for example gum arabic, and charcoal, then rolled into sticks and dried.

Azadirachta indica 

Nigerian variety of Neem seed oil is was reported to be utilizable for soap making. The properties exhibited by the soap solution indicated its suitability for commercial production. Production of biodegradable detergent from Azadirachta Indica (neem) seed oil was reported, the synthesized detergent was characterized and compared favourably with commercially available detergents.

Pavonia odorata

Pavonia odorata is an erect glandular-pubescent annual herb that grows up to 1m tall. This herb is indigenous to India (Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Bihar), which is the birthplace of the ancient healing wisdom known as Ayurveda. The word ‘Ayurveda’ stands for knowledge of life. What makes Ayurveda the mother of all medical sciences is its simplicity and understanding about human beings and their entire constitution, which is nothing but the combination of physical, mental and emotional attributes of an individual. The main aim of Ayurveda is to grant holistic healing that not only stops with treating the illnesses but travels a step ahead in preventing it in the future also.

More Ingredients:
Aloe indica
Curcuma longa
Nymphaea alba
Acacia catechu
Yasada Bhasma (Zinc Oxide)
Tankana amla (Boric acid)
Dugdha pashana (Talc)
Methyl Paraben
Propyl Paraben
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